Working with REFUGEES and others in NORTHERN COLORADO
who have experienced displacement from their country of origin
and are on the long journey of RECOVERY and INTEGRATION
I grew up in the U.S. state of Oregon. My college studies focused on Animal Science and led me to a career in animal agriculture. After marrying my wife, Misha (AKA Michelle), I had the opportunity to spend four years in Tanzania, East Africa, doing community engagement work as part of a Bible translation project. After several years working for Penn State, I've now transitioned to working with International Association for Refugees (IAFR) in Fort Morgan Colorado. I spend time in our drop-in office, engage local ag businesses where various immigrants are employed, teach English as a Second Language (ESL) one-on-one, and help with management of a housing initiative designed to assist people who are at a stage of life where they are ready to move towards home ownership. Prompted in part by teachings from the Bible, my aim is to be a caring, hospitable neighbor, especially to those who have traveled a difficult life journey and might benefit from a friendly, helping hand.